Friday, October 14, 2011

Amazing Banana Ice Cream

I just have to write a quick post about this delicious, delightful, delectable thing I just made. I've been doing a lot of reading and research on raw food living, and in turn that leads to quite a bit of vegan reading and recipes. I've heard of this before, and have been reintroduced to the idea through a variety of raw and vegan blogs. It's banana ice cream. Not just banana flavored ice cream, but ice cream made from nothing but bananas. It's divine and it really made me pause in my thinking. THIS is something I could make and have around ALL the time and get my cold, sweet fix and not feel guilty. I LOVE this idea.

Yesterday was a last day of school for the week, since we had parent/teacher conferences today and on the way home from school, Sophia asked if we could please make a batch of the infamous black bean brownies. I said yes, but not until tomorrow, which is now today. We whipped up a batch of brownies, but in the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the idea of the banana ice cream. So, I whipped out the food processor and took 4 of my freezer stashed bananas and made up a batch of peanut butter banana ice cream. For me, doing this frequently is never going to be a problem, since bananas tend to start to go brown fast around here, and I just toss them in the freezer, skin and all. I ALWAYS have frozen banana on hand, and that is a good thing.

So, by now you're sitting there thinking "give me the damn recipe already" and, now I will tell you there is no recipe other than frozen, chunked banana, a food processor and patience. I added a huge blob of peanut butter to mine and I highly recommend this addition. I use the natural, oil in, creamy (still has good texture) peanut butter and I had 4 bananas to put in the processor. You toss smallish chunks of banana in, and turn the machine on. You have to stop it often to mash the sides down and wait for it to get really whipped into a smooth, creamy, airy consistency. Then, when it's smooth and looks like soft serve ice cream, get a spoon and taste this amazing, natural, easy treat. Chocolate syrup never hurt anything either.


  1. Replies
    1. where have u gone joe dimmaggio....we miss the recipes
