Monday, June 6, 2011


Every year the ants come. We seem to have a large amount of them around our property. All different types. Big black ants that have a huge colony in the front yard. No matter what we sprinkle or spray on their hill, they just keep on surviving and thriving in the lawn. I don't mind it so much in the front; we don't hang out on our front lawn, and we don't have those types of ants in the house.

Anyway, we have what I believe are called "thief ants". They are tiny, sort of a golden brown color, and they are beyond annoying. So far, I think I've eradicated the colony that was directly against the house (yes, I used ant poison. I will not tolerate a full out infestation of ants in the house, and that's what I'm battling.) but when you poison the colony, whatever queens and workers and few males that can, will flee, and just set up house some place else. I think they moved along and found new ways into our kitchen. They're so tiny, you don't even see them right away.

The first point of entry that I seem to notice every year is along the window sill, directly above my kitchen sink. They walk in a line and climb through this teeny, weeny crack in the moulding. So, I got out the cinnamon and sprinkled a generous line across that area, and watched as they turned away from it, and right into my waiting paper towel to be smeared into oblivion. The cinnamon seemed to do the trick for all the strays that had been seeking water and food around the windows and sink. I also put out Tat bait stations under the sink and in areas along the backs of the counter top, behind the refrigerator, etc....When I went into my cupboard, where I keep all the oils, peanut butter, vinegar, etc...there was a mass attack of ants. I want to say a small swarm, and I just flipped OUT. I had to spend at least 20 minutes chasing them down to kill them all, thoroughly cleaning and wiping down everything in there, and then liberally dousing the parameter with cinnamon. I have a bait station in there, and I've seen a few ants enter the station, so, hopefully, we'll be able to eradicate them entirely.

I'm checking that cupboard compulsively every hour or so, and I'll still catch one or two, though they seem confused and lost. I wish I could take a live and let live attitude with ants, but I just can't. They are extremely unwelcome, and only a hairs breath better than having cockroaches in my opinion.

I've heard of and read about Borax mixtures, and I may give that a try next. If there is anyone out there who knows of sure fire ways to naturally make thief ants (any ants) take a hike and relocate to a place far, far away, please feel free to contact me.

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