Saturday, June 11, 2011

Early Morning

It took me many years, roughly 35 to accept that I am a morning person. I am incapable of sleeping late, which, as nature would have it, leads to having to go to bed early. If I don't go to bed early, the compromise is simply that I don't get enough sleep, but I believe that this holds true in part because of age. When I was in my late 20's and early 30's I was able to compensate for late hours by sleeping til about 9am. 9 is really, really late. These days I've been up 3.5 to 4 hours by 9 am. You can get a lot of things accomplished in those 4 hours and I have to say, it's really nice to be productive in those hours before "normal" people are up and at their day.

It's actually really noisy early in the morning. The birds and wild life are all up and chattering away at one another, talking to themselves and their friends, scolding their young and looking for food. It's a charged time, full of life. The sun rising is incredible too. To have a hot cup of coffee in hand, feel the chill morning air and watch the colors light up the sky is a grounding, brilliant way to start the day. It's my time to charge up the batteries and prepare to serve my family and care for my daughter.

With recharging and brilliant sunrises in mind, I am packing up the "Rogue" (my vehicle) and heading up to the cottage. We'll be gone a week, and Mr. O is in charge of the homestead. I have entrusted him with strawberry watch, garden tending (please water the beds just enough) and general holding down the couch duties. It's a bummer that his pesky career has to go and get in the way off all this summer vacation stuff....oh, well, it's up to us girls to keep those endless summer days alive. (Or I'll fall asleep while Sophia throws rocks into the lake)

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