Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tip Of The Day

I'm back from the "great north woods" and a relatively relaxing trip. I'm simply grateful that the sun made an appearance and has stuck around since Sunday. It's still windy and cold, but I have got to say, I NEED the light for my frame of mind. This has been an especially, remarkably cold, dark, dreary spring and everyone I run into makes roughly the same comment "enough is enough".

Upon my return from the cottage, I went to get my camera and the cable cord, and discovered that I do not have the cable for my camera, so, I will not be able to download my pictures, which is going to make my blog a little trickier to do. Not to mention that it would have been useful for a project we need to work on for Sophia's school work. C'est la vie. I'll get it the next time I'm up there, I guess. It'll make me more discriminating with the photos I take.

So, because I'm still adjusting to the busy week, and am spending most of my time out in the garden at the moment, I'm simply posting a helpful tip for anyone who's interested in saving a little money while being a bit greener in your kitchen

Tip of The Day:
Here's a recipe to make your own home made all purpose, disinfecting kitchen spray. It's very economical when compared to the earth friendly kitchen cleansers found at your local stores.

All Purpose Disinfecting Kitchen Spray
1/4 Cup white vinegar
2 teaspoons Borax
1/4 teaspoon Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap
 (scent of your choice, I enjoy peppermint)
When you finish a 32 ounce bottle of kitchen spray, save the bottle, add the above ingredients, and top it off with water. Shake, and use to wipe down the stove, refrigerator, counter tops, microwave, or any surface that needs a thorough wipe down. I love it, and once you make the initial investment, you can make nearly endless bottles of cleanser.

If you're unfamiliar with Dr. Bronner's, or castile soap, please visit the web page: Dr. Bronner's it's a wonderful, environmentally friendly soap/cleanser. You will most likely have to hit your local natural foods store to find a variety of Dr. Bronner's soaps, where you can find a variety of scents to suit your taste.

Borax of course can be found in the laundry detergent isle of the supermarket.

Happy cleaning!

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