Friday, May 6, 2011

Working To Play

Phew. I'm tired. I just moved between a 1/4 and a 1/2 cord of wood from the patio, to the back of the yard, with a plastic Radio Flyer wagon. Then I pulled the patio table and chairs out of the garage, and that of course lead to a handful of other minor yard tasks, and a smidgen of weeding. So, I played around outside and arranged the patio furniture and moved the strawberry tower to a visually appealing location. It looks inviting. I attempted to work on the computer out there, and have a bite of lunch, but the screen became nearly impossible to read in the bright sun. I am not complaining; we haven't had bright sun in far, far too long. It was fantastic sitting there, feeling the sun on my skin, as I ate my quesedilla, but I had to move indoors to finish working.

(OK, so, the breeze is a little brisk, but this is Wisconsin)

Mmm, cheesy whole wheat quesedilla and spicy salsa.

So, yesterday I mentioned that my uncle was going out of his way to help me out by coming over to pick up my new peddle boat. So, I made BBQ ribs, garlic mashed potatoes and corn. (A repeat meal from not long ago) I also made deviled eggs out of the last of the Easter eggs because it's a favorite.

Smoked paprika makes them special....especially to serve with BBQ.

Handy Tip of The Day:
After you've mixed your mayonnaise yolks, and seasoning, scoop into a plastic sandwich bag, cut off the tip of the corner of the bag, and squeeze into pretty swirls inside the hollowed out egg halves. Makes for a nice presentation.

The Peddle Boat: KL Industries Playmate Sunslider

The minute we got to the store, it began to pour....of course. Why wouldn't it?

The back rests to the seats are off as well as the canopy. But here is my brand new, 5 seat (also turns into a two person lounger) paddle boat. Oh,man, I'm so excited. I can't wait to get up north and try it out! What a lucky girl I am, and doubly lucky to have an uncle who's got all the necessary and super cool ratcheting lock downs. Woot!

All the wood hauling, fresh air and sunshine has me beat, so I think I'm going to try another one of those savasana meditations.

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