Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Ride

How 'bout that royal wedding that took place today? It was difficult to avoid the media blitz, and yes, I watched portions of the ceremony on TV. It was quite a spectacle, with the crowds, and how many hundreds of horsemen were there in the procession? Just thinking about monarchy, and how old the traditions are is a little mind blowing, but the FASHION!! Wow, did you see those hats? What a wonderful display of fashion and propriety. I love, love an era when people "dressed". How fun to have an occasion to see people properly dressed, and to play with the fashion as we saw with the sculptural designs of the hats worn at the royal wedding.

While the wedding was droning on, and the new royal couple was being driven around, I was outside putting my new ride together. Actually, it's Sophia's new ride, but I'd like to think of this as our new "royal" ride. Sophia will be the train to my bicycle, and she can feel like a princess in her carriage as we tool around town on our tandem.

I'm hoping to get a basket, and then Sophia and me can cruise off to the store, or hop off to the park and carry our necessaries. I feel like this is going to be a much more fun alternative to this:

It sits too low to the ground for Sophia's size at this point, so, I'll sell it.

More exciting to me than the royal wedding, is that the sun is shining today. It's been fabulous enjoying the sun shining on me while I work outside. We haven't had a sunny day in well over a week, and it dramatically affects my mood, as well as my productivity. I'm thrilled that we finally have a nice, sunny day to brighten our attitudes.

This morning, the newly sprouted "swan necked squash" seed said "Hello".

I'm eager for Sophia to come home from school, and take the tandem trailer out for a spin. I think I'll take a trial run with it on my own, before I take her out. I don't own a helmet, but I make her wear one when ever she gets on her scooter or bike. I wonder, does this mean I have to go and get myself a helmet now? I suppose if I want her to practice what I preach, I should lead by example. 

So, while Prince William and Cathrine Middleton enjoy their wedding day, I'm off to enjoy my sunny afternoon bike ride.

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