Monday, April 11, 2011

Yoga, Gardening and The Deep Water Bath

True to form, Mother Nature is up to her usual spring time shenanigans. Living in Wisconsin all my life, you'd think that I'd be adjusted to the incredible mood swings of our state's weather. Yesterday it was 88 degrees according to the thermometer nailed to the giant maple our back yard. The house held that temperature upstairs until well after 11pm. It felt like more like mid August, instead of mid April. Today, it's 55 degrees, which is much more the norm, if not even a bit warmer than usual by this date. While I appreciate the turn to warmer weather and the green coming back to life, I don't handle temps above 80 degrees very well, and such drastic swings in temperature and humidity usually leave me feeling a bit out of whack.

I'm counting on this most excellent whole body ache to counter act my sense of disorientation over the weather. There's nothing like that feeling of being realigned, and very muscle sore from honest to goodness, physical work.

Yesterday, I found my place. I found the yoga studio I've been looking for, for over a decade. There finally is a place that melds my desire for a deeper yoga practice with flexibility in scheduling, class variety, and payment options. My first class in a year was a Sunday morning Yoga and Meditation session. I don't know if it was because I was in such dire need of a reconnection with my body, mind, spirit, or if it was simply serendipity, but yesterday's session on releasing grief and sorrow, finding, spreading, and expanding my bird wing(s) breath was precisely on point. I walked out of the studio feeling taller, lighter, at peace and joyful. I feel very optimistic about the other yoga instructors and the classes I will be exploring with them. I actually have not had a bad experience with either of the yoga studios I've used on my side of town, but for my personal preferences and lifestyle, hands down, Haleybird Studio is my favorite. If my previous yoga instructor could still be in business for herself, but join forces with Haleybird Studio, then I'd have crafted my dream scenario.

After the hour and fifteen minutes of invigorating yoga and meditation, I came home to a very excited Sophia. I think the weather was getting to us all. For at least 30  minutes after I was home she worked on me to "make some brownies", or "when are we going to plant the seeds?", "Are you going to garden now"? Trying not to lose my state of calm rejuvenation, I told her I needed to eat, and in the mean time, convinced Mr. O to take little Ms. to the library to return her videos, and stop off at the grocery to pick up her American cheese slices for a school "cooking" project.

I need to break off topic here to brag on Sophia....she picked up her library videos after we attended her art opening at the town library. Very cool indeed as she was chosen along with other kids from all of the area schools to show her work at the library. Needless to say, we're very proud of her and her work:

The title of the piece is: Happy Painting
(The subject is a cat and the colors are incredible in person)
(I'm not so very proud of my poor photography however....sorry about your head, Mr. O)

With Sophia and her dad out of the house, I was able to quietly eat a quick cup of soup and begin preparations for planting out some of the square foot garden beds. As usual, whenever I think a project or piece of project will be a quick little thing, it always ends up being a much longer, more detailed process. I actually thought I'd be able to move quickly enough to get the lettuces planted out before they came back, and then I'd have Sophia plant the peas and potatoes and we'd be done. Hahahahaha....

I got about this far.....

And.....they're back.

So, the girl and me, we planted it together...kinda. She did a lot of sitting on the glider, asking me when she could water, and making fun of me for having wood chips stuck to the backs of my thighs. Fast forward 2 hours or so:

We had the "greens" bed planted out with red and green gourmet romaine mix, curly leaf lettuce, bibb lettuce, two varieties of spinach, swiss chard and "caesar" lettuce. The back row of squares is all sweet sugar snap peas.

Short and sweet carrots, and another 4 square feet of sweet sugar snap peas...

Sophia holding a seed potato quarter...although, I lie, it's not a real seed potato. It's a yukon gold potato from a bag of potatoes I purchased. A big "no-no" in the potato planting world, but I go against the grain, I buck the system, I reject authority and I am going my own way....we'll see if I get disease, hollow heart, rot, no potatoes at all....alien-morph tubers of colossal size?

4 square feet of potatoes. Note my "lovely" handy work in creating my potato tower. It's a thing of beauty, no? NO? IS, I say. It's a thing of re purposed beauty. Duck tape and two shitty plastic totes (made of recycled plastic, so brittle, thin and difficult to cut and work with) 4 screws, 4 bolts, et voila! A potato tower eye sore. I don't care if it's ugly, I was so thrilled that I was able to imagine it, and create it, versus spending $40 on cedar to make two 2x2x2x2 frames.

Here are the chives working their way out of the earth....I am eager for a few more inches to grow so I can start using it in my potatoes and eggs, mayo's and salads.

And so, as I pushed the last potato into the dirt, Sophia yanked and tugged the hose off the spool, over toward the garden, and she looked up at the sky and said "Mommy, it's getting dark" and sure enough, the wind picked up (and lemme tell ya, it was windy enough already) and the sky was filling with dark grey clouds. We watered the beds and strawberries anyway, since you just never can tell what that psycho Mother Nature has up her sleeve. The rain didn't actually come until well after Sophia was put to bed and fast asleep.

We cleared away the gardening tools and I proceeded to get dinner together. All the while feeling my muscles tingle and ache, knowing that I would be good and sore in the morning. All I could think about while sitting at the dinner table was the bath that was calling out to me. I figured a good, long, hot soak in a deep water bath with a heavy sprinkle of Epsom salts would be the perfect end to a lovely day of using my body, connecting with the earth, and spending time passing along what I know and what I don't, with Sophia.

Recommendation of the day:

This gadget is a must have for anyone who enjoys a good bath. I hadn't taken a bath in my house for the first 5 years we lived here because frankly, it was like laying in a pine box with what felt like 4 inches of water in the bottom. VERY low over flow drain on my tub, a shallow tub with barely any contour to it. After a friend recommended this overflow cover, my life has changed, and I am once again a "bath person". I highly, highly recommend this item for anyone who wants to experience what a bath really should be like. (I will admit that this is not the most eco friendly device in the world, but sometimes, I can justify being wasteful for my own self fulfillment)

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